
मेरी ख़्वाहिश “VIHANA”


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To My Love
Hey pretty mommies and their amazing kids, today I Navya, proud mother of vihana want to share my journey from being a girl to the mother of wonderful kid.
Basically I want to pen down how I felt in this journey.
Abinitio I would like to start from the beginning that is MY MARRIAGE PHASE where I got married with the love of my life MR. AJAY and everything was merry making for me from the day I met him and he gave my best gift of my life in form of a daughter.
You know I got married at very tender age because I was in love with my husband, he used take care of me, love me and understand me.
Even today also his love is increasing day by day. He is a mature man and I’m a girl with little heart and a free spirit. And when I got married some responsibilities came as they always will, I always tried to fulfill my duties but being so young some Times I used to fed up and some way or other I mange myself. I was having lots and lots of work to do . Ie – studies, household work and taking care of joint family and providing all the things which are required and on top of fulfilling my dreams. So all in one I was having lot on my plate and there in between everybody wanted that I should do my family planning now. But I wasn’t ready at first because me and my parents wanted that I must complete my education first which was totally right thing and parents always think right for their kids so were my parents doing by guiding me.
I am crossing my heart by saying through I was from middle class family but my parents always treating me like a princess. The used to do all my work but as I was eager to do marriage with man I love , I was very happily came to my in-laws house, but honestly this, happily life came with lots of work , and this doesn’t mean I am not happy here or they don’t love me that’s not. My mother in law loves me like as if I am her real daughter.
But honestly after marriage I stuck up in various resposiblities. In still remember the day of my marriage, obviously it was all good but my father advised that- ” beta now are married here , so give your best here and treat them as your family ” .
But i couldn’t manage my studies, family, responsibilities together so I told my mom that I want to quit my studies, after listening this my mother started crying and told me so many things specially this, that you are studying, it’s our dream in you means – we are fulfilng our dreams by you moreover if you will be educated only then your coming child will be educated also if you all be educated only then you can give good life to your kids, I decided that I will strive hard to fulfill my parents dream.
So everything I was doing, doing in full swings but again became bumpy because everybody again starting asking me-
“When will you have a child”?
“Why aren’t you doing family planning yet”?
“So and so questions like this? ”
You know the main reason of not having planing of a child was because I was also not mature enough to take the responsibility of a child at that moment. But some handful people were r continuously intrudung in my space and showed tantrums and on the top of that their starting judging me that “I am rude” and” I don’t own the quality to be a mom “.
I was pissed off at that moment and I wanted to scary and it was hurting I know from bottom of my heart. I always want to have child but at correct time so that I can give child everything- love, time, care and many more things that my child deserves, not beacause to have child under pressure. So with all this my two years completed and I completed my graduation with high distinction for that day. I was waiting and I saw satisfaction and proud in my parents eyes. So all nonsense opinion and tantrums of handful people and wait was really worth it.
Pregnancy phage
Finally, I conceived in July 2021 .in mid-july I felt tired and sleepy all the day. It’s my early pregnancy symptoms, but I ignore everything because I had given up my hope due to negative reports twice in the future. after a few days I started hearing a voice from my heart Maybe I am pregnant. I didn’t notice those symptoms, but I myself started feeling it. I tested for confirmation to lines come in the test but one line was dark and the one was slide after I googled it and know that this is not confirmation. I may or may not pregnant I bet it for 5 days those5days was equal to 5 year for me because by excitement was increasing and I wish all the time that my test came positive as soon as possible. Even today I remember that on the night of 29 I Could not sleep because I had to take the test in the morning.When I did the test in the morning. And when I waited 7 2 lines, I didn’t know how to react I was. very happy And my happiness was on Cloud Nine and my husband and family members were also on 7th heaven after listening this news .From that day my pregnancy journey started and I felt myself in different ball and felt very special. I am in love with a baby. I have not yet met .Although it’s a blessed experience. But you know, it’s not easy to carry a baby inside There we have to face plethora of difficulties. in pregnancy women faces so much problems like :-

1. nausea
2. bloting
3. gas
4. frequent
5. acne
6. fatigue
7. facial hair
8. backache
I suffered from nausea in first trimester. I couldn’t eat anything in the first trimester. I used to vomit after eating anything pregnancy isn’t always easy. The extra emotions , fatigue morning sickness and difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep. but just knowing your baby is growing inside of you is the one of the most rewarding experience a woman can enjoy pregnancy is like living Next Door to someone who shares your heartbeat , your pain, your joy and waiting 9 months before even seeing thier face .
Having a baby inside you is one of the most profound definition of art in human form , nature as illustrated in the most dependent relationship between two life forms . Having a baby in womb , it feels like better than butterflies in your stomach, the love for tiny little human living inside you is nothing to be compared to the love you feel for everyone else, it’s divine. After conceived I don’t feel alone in every sec . From first trimester I waited to felt her first moment in my womb. At starting of second trimester I went for ultrasound that day I heard first time vihana’s heartbeat after Heard that my eyes full with tears. I saw her little tiny hands and legs. She will be a naughty kid in future . I heard so many myths in my pregnancy, some myths was right and some was ridiculous. I will tell u some myths :-
1. I first trimester don’t tell about pregnancy to anyone because If we done it we will lost our fetus .
2. Baby colour will fair if we eat coconut.
3. Baby cheeks will fair if women eat apple in pregnancy.
4. Children become wrong and bad person if we watch the wrong movie and videos
5. We should not raise weight in the first trimester.
6. Zym should not be done in pregnancy
7. No one should be told when labour pain starts , it delays the delivery.
8. Do not have to cross the canal in 8 months
9. Mehndi should not be applied throughout pregnancy.
I am telling honestly I followed some myths because I don’t want to take risk about baby . in 5th month I felt her first moment. Sometime I talking with and say my precious little baby I have loved you from the start. You are a tiny Miracle laying closely to my heart. each day I feel your presence, each day You quickly grow, each day your heartbeat Softly, as only I could know so I’ll keep this in a special place and remember each year through of this very special time of life the month I carried you . at the beginning of the third trimester. I had a baby shower on January 4 in which everyone wish me a healthy baby and a safe delivery.
After Starting third trimester ladies started guess about gender of baby on behalf of their observation. Every woman has their different parameter about gender of baby here I shared some parameter with you. you much should to calculate this on your pregnancy after that see the result That this method go right or wrong this parameter.
1. feet swelling boy, no swelling girl
2. Skin tone become fair – boy , skin tone become dull – girl
3. Sweet craving- girl , salty craving – boy
4. Irritable nature and mood swings – girl, normal nature – boy
5. Feeling hot – girl , feeling cold – boy
6. Low carry (Tommy in front) – boy , high carry (round Tommy) – girl
7. High heart beat – girl, low heartbeat – boy
According to all this parameter my pregnancy was of baby girl and it happened . in third trimester of both my troubles and Expectations kept increasing. there was troubled in getting up, sitting, walking, sleeping in everything. due to the kick off child and finding a comfortable position to sleep throughout the night. I could not sleep the whole night. in my pregnancy some good things happened which I will remember entire my life. my brother who had fought since childhood starting pampering me he did massage on my foot when I felt pain. He listened my cravings and fulfill it anyway. my dad and I also do care for me one time I told everyone that I want to eat red berry everyone denied and say that they are not found in market, but my dad took half day leave and found for me and bring for me. My life changed from when vihana came in my womb. when everyone used to sleep late at night and I could not sleep then I used to talk to vihana and sometime she used to give me answer by give kick on my belly. I never felt alone. at the end of 8 month the exceptation start increasing that when the baby will be there. It will be a boy or a girl and what will it be like on 23 feb 2022, I went to doctor She saw ultrasound and said everything is ok delivery will be done in 10 to 15 days after here that my fear also increasing with excitement. after that day one-time I saw a news on Google in which one pregnant lady died at the time of delivery. after seeing news I started getting scared. Thinking about how that pain would be, I started worring and my excitement turn into fear. to have a normal delivery and be easy, so I started feeding ghee. I also started walking in the last month, due to normal walking, breathlessness started. It become difficult for me to walk in it . But still I walking with courage . On March 9 I was right till I came home after attending the party and I called my sister toward start of the walk and said that I think my baby will be there in a day or two. when I started sleeping after walking I felt slight pain I ignore it and thought that it is in normal pain. after that 12 o’clock in the night. I called my friend in Canada and said that I have such pain is this labour pain because I did not know how labour pain is she said yes, it is labour pain, but you don’t panic and tell everyone. everyone woke up and we packed the Maternity bag. I was so scared that now it’s a pain. So what will happen next. we went to the hospital at 5 o’clock in the morning the doctor checked and said that it will take time for delivery you come at 10 o’clock. the pain seems to be increasing even more than I could bear, like it would be better If I die. we went to the hospital at 10 o’clock the doctor admitted me and put a drip after that. I was started vomiting. I was tired without eating anything and tolerating the pain. after taking me to an Labour room. My mother started crying thinking that how much my daughter is suffering today who cannot bear the pain of injection. on 12:06 pm vihana came in my life . I saw her and heared her crying voice then I forget my pain and stress. after shifting in normal word I saw vihana and my eye full with the tears . I took her in my lap and thanked Lord Shiva because I had sought a vow from Bholenath for Vihana and he fulfilled it . My husband told me that when vihana was born he had gone to get medicine and when he came back ,he saw a little angle wrapped in clothes. He didn’t know how to react . He was very happy to be father . He said that it is tha happiest day of his life.
The POSTPORTUM period also known as the Puerperium and the” forth trimester” refers to the time after birth and maternal physiologic changes related to pregnancy return to the non pregnant state.
I Came home from the hospital in the evening of 10 March everyone welcomed Me and my angel. from 10 March my postmortem phase started and baby blue phase (POSTPORTUM DEPRESSION) catch me in our arm. most new mums experience Postpartum ” baby Blues” after child birth which commonly include mood swings, crying spells , anxiety and difficulty in sleeping. Baby blue typically begin within the first two to three days after delivery and may last for up to two weeks. after delivery I was unable to sleep in day as well as night even for 4 days. I used to cry some time for no reason. after 4 days suddenly I started crying and told my husband that I have to sleep. I feel like if I can not sleep then maybe I will go crazy .when I went to the doctor, he gave me sleeping medicine This made me sleepy and then I was able to come out of baby blue depression. I had recovered quickly due to normal delivery.
When vihana took breastfeed for the first time after some days I felt like I was different from the world for her. I used to think why a mother loves her baby so much but only after becoming a mother does it feel right. Everybody started guessing how vihana look like and it turns out that she look like her father. that was something bad to hear. I also wanted her to look little bit like me. on 25 March 2022 we held huge function on her name ceremony. vihana’s movement was also increasing .she started giving new reactions which were pleasing to our heart .before delivery I was afraid whether I would like to be able to be a good mother. I will be able to fulfill all the duties of a mother. but circumstances teach us everything and we ourself learn everything. after 3 months vihana started connecting with everyone, she started answering with her antics.After that one day when she smiled seeing me for the first time at that time, I felt that if someone puts the world in front of me, then I would choose the smile because this was something precious In my life .that Laugh Makes The Heart Thumb and forget all the sorrow .once I was afraid of the responsbillity of the child and was running away from it today The same child is my life. I want to give all happiness that she wants and may God give me the ability to fulfill her wish .Today my parents also see my childhood in Vihana and remember when I was a little girl. I am very happy to see her doing new activities watching her grow up but mind also wants her to remain so small and innocent. the relationship of a mother baby is deep That is why the child first recognize the mother with the mother relationship the rest of the relation recognize later .It is very happy when she tries to come near me and become very happy when she come to my lap. I went out one day and come back after sometime and stood in front of her she cried as if she is telling me that why did you leave me Mom. I go then she at me for away. So it becomes difficult for me to leave her .vihana also loves me without greed. She only need MAMTA from me not for any meaning. when I put her on lap and get her to breastfeed. She loves putting her little hands on my cheeks, when I hugged her she hugged me by putting her hands around my neck there is little Lovely things of her make her different from everyone else for me. She does not let me Be alone at night after everyone Falls asleep. If I talked to her she answersme in her own language. I love his Twitter (COOING). I like to Dressing up and do her hair. I click on all of her cute things and keep them safe. one day She crying to see me crying after that I felt someone here to divide My sorrow with me I can’t measure my love for her to buy any number. My parents see my childhood in vihana . Everyone in family loves vihana so much. Everybody bring new toys and clothes for her . she get more and more love from everybody. sometime when she Bites me while breastfeeding. I also scold her little because the child should know by now what she is doing wrong or what is right .from this time onwards we should take with them. small things should be taught This is child “first NEEV”.And in the end, I would like to say that I love you so much that I can lay down my life for her and I have no fear in speaking this think and I want vihana to grow up and read the journey of her coming and know the beginning of my love with her



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