
Draft Of My Heart


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To the one whose arms felt life home,

After fantasizing about it a million times, I was finally there in your arms. Maybe I haven’t told you this before, but as you held my hand for the first time, unexpected tears welled up in my eyes. And the same thing happened the first time you hugged me. I felt like deja vu,

How did you know I wanted to hug you after I said, “I was thinking of…” Without even letting me complete the sentence, you narrowed the gap between us. When I turned around, there you were, standing so close to me, racing my heart. You just said, “Come”, and boom, there I was, hugging you and living in the moment.

I felt safe, warm, and the best I’d ever felt in your arms. I could feel you, and when I hugged you, you hugged me even tighter. I felt you kissing on my hair too. I didn’t want that to end. Nothing else mattered and at that time, all I cared about was you. You are more than anything I could ever ask for. You are indeed the best thing that can ever happen to me.

If you were to ask me about a time in my life that I would like to relive, it would most likely be the first time we hugged. You have no idea how much I treasure that and will continue to do so in perpetuity. Nothing beats the feeling of being in your arms.

You already knew I didn’t want to leave but I had to. I swear I don’t want any gift or fancy thing or anything from your side. I just want you. Thankyou for the giggles I felt in my stomach and for the smiles you gave me today. I consider myself extremely fortunate and blessed to have you.
I love you so much my precious one<3 From the one who could be there in your arms for hours


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